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And so the Adventure Begins

Almost a year ago, we started the process of obtaining the land. Fast forward to today and we are finally starting to move forward, slowly but surely!

We are so excited for what's to come, however the process has not been as easy and we once thought.

Over the past year, we’ve done the following:

  • Obtainted the land

  • Met with three separate builders to find the right fit for us

  • Narrowed down house plans and exteriors

  • Started choosing finishes, flooring, doors and appliances

  • Had the soil tested

  • Gotten estimates on the well, septic and driveway

There's still plenty to be done but it has taken us awhile just to get to this point.

To be real with you guys, I started writing this blog in January and am just now sharing this. We met with builder after builder and it started to seem like we were going to have to sacrifice our vision just to build a house that we might not even like at the end of the day. We felt exhausted and kind of at a loss. We were being told that our options were to remove the garage, or to not have a custom home. We had met with a big-box builder previously and decided it wasn't a good fit so it was starting to feel like this wasn't going to happen for us right now.

However, now on our third builder, it is starting to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel (I hope I'm not jinxing myself right now). Through many meetings, we have talked through our vision and the way we want the house to feel. We are so close to selecting our final house plan and I am so excited.

Additionally, we have started the process of selecting finishes, flooring, doors, appliances and lighting for the farm. There are so many decisions that still need to be made but we are making our way there.

Homeowners or Renters- what are some details you wanted in your house? What would you change in your next house? What is your favorite part of your house? Leave a comment below!

Stay tuned to see what comes next!

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