I've always heard that a house build goes quickly, and that’s been so true for us over the past month. Here’s a quick construction update:
October 21, 2019: We broke ground on the house! October 23: Digging was complete and footers were poured
October 24: Basement walls were poured
October 30: Basement was waterproofed
November 2: Gravel was placed around the house and in the basement
November 13: House was backfilled with dirt
November 20: Floor joists were set
November 25: Floorboards were placed and garage was partially framed
December 1: Exterior was framed
December 3: Interior walls were framed
December 6: Bonus room trusses were set, master bath, hallway shower and downstairs shower were delivered
December 7: Rest of house trusses were set
December 11: Roof is mostly covered, stairs to the bonus area was installed and subfloor was installed. Columns were beginning to be installed for the front porch.
In a little over a month, we have made some serious progress on the house. And having just selected all of our lighting options (I’ll make a blog on that soon!), we are feeling more excited than ever to move in. It still doesn’t feel real that we get to build this beautiful home!
Follow along on our build on Instagram at @farmhouseinthefield!