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Designs + Decisions

It is getting real.

Despite having this blog and being this far into this process, there are still people in our life who don’t know that we are building a new house. Early on there were some frustrations and disappointments that made us want to keep this to ourselves until it was all said and done. Even now, this feels like it could flip at any moment. We have not even broken ground yet and it already feels like it’s been a roller coaster. Even typing this seems risky because we don’t know what the future holds.

That being said, we recently met with our designer and she showed us the first draft of the house interior and exterior and it started to feel real.

She listened to what we had to say, noted the things that were important to us and sat with us for hours while we went over these edits. I left the meeting feeling really confident in their capabilities and excited about what comes next.

This is where the decisions come in. Our team is pricing out a bunch of options for us to decide what to keep and what to cut. Here are some things on that list:

  • Adding sq footage to make the living room and the kitchen larger

  • A geothermal heating system

  • Brick around the foundation

  • Hardwood throughout

  • Wood porch vs concrete

One of the decisions we keep discussing at this point is whether to go with white porch columns or wood porch columns? What do you guys think?

In the mean time, check out this incredible picture my husband snapped from the window of an airplane. I love seeing this bird eye view!

More updates to come! Stay tuned!

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