We made it to week five!
Can I be honest? I'm exhausted and felt a little overwhelmed this week.
With it being a long weekend, we took a five day hiking trip, which means that the stairs were virtually untouched for six days which is a bit of a bummer and has me feeling like I need to frantically catch up.
I got a little bit of work done this week, but not nearly enough since we weren't home.
Here's what I did this week:
Tested the stain on a conditioned piece of wood
Sanded the risers (again)
That's it! I was beyond ambitious with our to-do list last week, considering we were gone all week. But we made lots of memories on our camping trip and now we are going to get back into the swing of things with the stairs.
Here’s what’s planned for next week:
Condition + Stain tops
Sand + Stain Rail
Paint Walls
Let's get this work knocked out! Follow along on Instagram to see the progress in real time and be sure to check the One Room Challenge blog to learn more.