I love finding ways to incorporate the season in our meals to make it extra fun for our toddler. There are so many ways to jazz up even a simple package of cinnamon rolls, and these are my favorite ways for Halloween!
This uses 1.5 packages of cinnamon rolls. Simply unravel the cinnamon rolls and press together to create a skeleton! Bake and frost according to package directions.
Pro tip: off brand cinnamon rolls tend to unravel better.

2. Pumpkins
Grab a package of jumbo cinnamon rolls and some cooking twine. Cut cooking twine into pieces so you have enough for 3 pieces per roll. Tie twine around cinnamon rolls, gathering at the top (see video below for example). Bake according to package directions. Cut and discard twine after baking, frost cinnamon rolls and add a cinnamon stick stem.

3. Ghosts
Use one package of off brand cinnamon rolls, and unravel each roll to create a head, arms and body for the ghost (see video below). Bake and frost according to package directions. Add eyes to each ghost.
