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We got the keys!

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that we got the keys a few days ago. Everything has been a blur of unpacking boxes, moving furniture and searching for things we misplaced in the move.

It has been so exciting to see everything coming together (if you can look past the boxes).

I will say that I thought that once we had the keys and started to move in, everything would be completely done, but that has not been our experience. There are still various smaller to-dos that our builder needs to finish but they didn't want to make us wait to move in before those things were complete. Here's what still needs to be done:

  • Grout color in the master shower is wrong and will be redone

  • Downstairs bathroom towel rods still need installed

  • Refrigerator and dishwasher will be replaced due to damage on install

  • Washer and dryer will be set up at that time as well

  • The trim piece by the door to our garage will need replaced

We are excited to get started decorating and all of our DIY projects, so stay tuned to see those!

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